Welcome to Rise above Acupuncture & Wellness in Wellington, where Your journey to a Healthier and more Beautiful Life begins. As your dedicated destination for advanced Beauty Treatments & Personalized Care, I am committed to helping You achieve Your Health & Wellness goals with expertise and tailored solutions.
At Rise above Acupuncture & Wellness in Wellington, we specialize with LPG Endermologie featuring the cutting edge Cellu-M6 technology for Bodycontouring, Anti-Aging & Wellness programs. Our treatments include Facial rejuvenation, Neck & Decollette care, Cellulite reduction, Skin tightening, and targeted Fat reduction. These non-aggressive & non-invasive procedures are designed to deliver exceptional results, ensuring a more Youthful and vibrant appearance.
As your doctor of Acupuncture, my holistic approach encompasses Acupuncture Treatments to enhance Your physical and emotional well-being, including, insomnia, stress, anxiety, infertility, menopause, digestive issues, pain, and weight loss.
I integrate Ancient Wisdom with advanced Beauty Technologies to offer You personalized strategies to be at Your Best; Healthy & Beautiful
Discover the Art of Life with Rise above Acupuncture & Wellness,
where every Moment is a Masterpiece of Vitality & Beauty
NOw Is The right time. I am here for You to support You and Your Health in Wellington

Chinese Medicine, a traditional Health Care System originating from China, has a rich history dating back at least 2,500 years, some believe even up to 5,000 years. Within Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture is a renowned therapeutic technique, but it is only one component of this comprehensive healing system. Other modalities encompassed in Chinese Medicine include Cupping, Tui Na, personalized nutritional and dietary advice, mind-body exercises like yoga, as well as herbal formulas and remedies.
The introduction of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture to the United States gained momentum after an event in 1972 involving President Richard M. Nixon. During his visit to China, one of his accompanying journalists required an emergency appendectomy and experienced significant pain relief through acupuncture for his post surgical pain. This notable event piqued interest and sparked a growing appreciation and acceptance of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture within the American population.
The World Health Organization released a report from Controlled Clinical Trials, which endorses the help of Acupuncture for over 200 symptoms and diseases like:
Stress • Insomnia • Low Back Pain • Neck Pain • Headache, Migraines, Tension Headaches • Nausea/Vomiting • Depression • Anxiety • Allergic Rhinitis • Fibromyalgia • Side effects of Chemotherapy • Morning Sickness • Digestive Disorders / Acid Reflux / GERD/ Constipation /Diarrhea • Menstrual problems / PMS / irregularities /heavy/painful • High Cholesterol •
Cosmetic Acupuncture /Facial Acupuncture/ Beautiful & Healthy
~ to name a few ~
Rise above Acupuncture & Wellness in the ❤️ of Wellington

The US National Institute of Health issued a consensus statement proposing that Acupuncture is a therapeutic intervention for complementary medicine.
It is Safe. A licensed Acupuncture Physician undergoes a 3-4 year College Program, completes over 1000 clinical internship hours, and has to maintain the licensure with continuing Education. The risks of Acupuncture are low if you go to an Certified Acupuncture Physician, who is trained how and where to use the sterile needles. All needles are Single-Use and disposable.
Why and how does it work? From the Chinese prospective “illness is the consequence of an imbalance of your body and his flow”. The Energy in your body flows through Pathways / Meridians, which are accessible through 350 different Acupuncture Points. Depending on your diagnosis, your Acupuncture Physician find the right treatment and point combination to bring the energy flow back into proper balance.
Experts used Neuroscience to explain how Acupuncture works. From their prospective, many points are at places where Nerves, Muscles and Connective Tissue is stimulated, when inserting an Acupuncture needle.
This stimulation increases the Blood Flow & triggers the activity of Body’s Natural Painkillers.